Lazos 环
Art Installation, Contemporary Art Museum - Lima, Peru[2019]
Art installation that uses the same type of rope used in the ships that transported Chinese citizens to Peru during 1850 - 1930. The traditional Chinese art of making knots is taken as a reference, a communication system that attracts prosperity and good fortune. Zorilla created a work that immerses us in inmigration trips and proposes a reflection on the unions and separations that originated these migratory journeys. In a symbolic or physical way, the work represents the return trip so longed for by Chinese citizens, who, since the 19th century, were forced to abandon their homeland, family and culture, and to erase all kinds of cultural traces due to social segregation.
"This exhibition shows the interest of the Tusans in searching for their roots," explains Loo, clarifying the term tǔshēng, (in Spanish, Tusán), which means "born here" and is the term used to designate the children of the Chinese in Peru. "The descendants, for decades to the present, have been looking for, studying and approaching this part of their ancestry, which for historical and social reasons appeared hidden, erased or modified by history", Marco Loo - Curator of the exhibition.
Look at this installation as a huge world map and migration routes. confused? This is what the artist tries to make viewers feel when they see the installation. Can you imagine how the Chinese workers felt when they arrived to a different country, language, culture, a hundred years ago?
Tecnincal collaboration: Gonzalo Benavente
"This exhibition shows the interest of the Tusans in searching for their roots," explains Loo, clarifying the term tǔshēng, (in Spanish, Tusán), which means "born here" and is the term used to designate the children of the Chinese in Peru. "The descendants, for decades to the present, have been looking for, studying and approaching this part of their ancestry, which for historical and social reasons appeared hidden, erased or modified by history", Marco Loo - Curator of the exhibition.
Look at this installation as a huge world map and migration routes. confused? This is what the artist tries to make viewers feel when they see the installation. Can you imagine how the Chinese workers felt when they arrived to a different country, language, culture, a hundred years ago?
Tecnincal collaboration: Gonzalo Benavente

Lazos 环 / Installation of wire and rope dyed / 2 x 6 m. / Contemporary Art Museum - Lima, Peru / 2019
Lazos : visitor video / Installation / Contemporary Art Museum - Peru / 2019