The Endless Knot

The Endless Knot

Installation art, Scalehouse Gallery, Bend-OR, USA [2023-24]
"The Endless Knot" is an art exhibition by Christi Zorrilla Soto, inspired by traditional knot symbols from Peru and China. These installations narrate the global journey of families, illustrating the enduring connections between our identity, heritage, and loved ones. The threads in Soto's artwork are more than just visual representations of cultural symbols; they are metaphors for the threads of life itself. They connect us to our ancestors, to distant lands, and to the complex interplay of heritage and migration. The Endless Knot exhibit consists of threads and knots of emotions, memories, and shared experiences that extend beyond borders and generations.

This exhibition serves as a celebration of the profound connections that make us who we are. It challenges us to contemplate the intricate web of relationships that shape our identities. The Endless Knot is a reminder that the ties to our heritage and loved ones are as strong as ever, even in a world that is ever-changing.
As you explore The Endless Knot exhibit, take a moment to reflect on your own threads—those connecting you to your past, present, and future. Allow Soto's art to inspire conversations about the unbreakable ties that define our lives and the enduring stories that continue to weave themselves into our existence.

The Endless Knot / Installation / 8 x 6 m. / Scalehouse Gallery / 2023-2024

Weaving Our Ancestral Threads (Trace your threads)

Interactive Installation, Scalehouse Gallery, Bend-OR, USA [2023-24]
Inviting everyone to reflect on their identity and diversity, envision a world map prominently featuring the Pacific Ocean at its core. Threads intricately span the gallery walls, forming a complex web symbolizing the interconnected migration stories of various individuals, families, and groups from the past. These threads depict the historical routes and connections between those who came before us and the present. The artwork invites viewers to reflect on the diverse narratives that collectively contribute to our shared identity, all while maintaining a deep respect for the represented experiences.
*The artist only put three red threads to represent her family's migration routes, all other threads were added by gallery visitors, illustrating their personal and family routes.
Weaving Our Ancestral Threads (Trace your threads) / Interactive Installation / 5 x 6 m. / Scalehouse Gallery / 2023-2024
Visitors' pictures